Avocados are a delicious and nutritious fruit and very beneficial for
your health. But their seed (which tends to be thrown away) can be
eaten since it has many more medicinal properties than the rest of the
fruit itself. You can also use it topically to treat skin problems and muscle and joint pain.
Below, we will teach you how to use avocado seeds in order to get the
most benefits out of them, i.e. to naturally treat many diseases, lose
weight, and more much.
Why the Seed?
Avocados are an excellent food, very complete, and we recommend their frequent consumption. 70% of the amino acids that this fruit is found in its seed. What’s more, avocados contain more soluble fiber than any other food.
Health Benefits
Below are some medicinal properties you get when you eat avocado seeds:
It is an antioxidant: it prevents cell aging
It prevents cardiovascular diseases thanks to its amino acid content: great for excess cholesterol and triglycerides treatment and as coronary disease prevention
Helps raise defenses and fight diseases caused by microbes, fungus, and parasites
Slimming and fat burning: Nature’s logic has made
avocado seeds contain main fat burners that the fruit’s pulp has. It
also contains soluble fiber, which improves the intestinal tract and
makes you feel satisfied
Astringent, great for treating diarrhea and gastrointestinal tract inflammation
Aphrodisiac properties for increasing libido
Revitalizing for fatigue and stress
Joint and muscle pain relaxer when used topically
Prevents tumor growth thanks to its flavonol content
Prevents epilepsy
Quickly eliminates the appearance of blemishes and boils when applied topically because it dries them up
Regulates thyroid disorders
It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, eaten as well as applied, because it boosts collagen formation
It is a good supplement for naturally treating asthma
How to Consume it
Avocado seeds have a bitter and astringent flavor because
of their medicinal properties. In order to consume it, remove the fine
layer of brown skin, grate it, and, as an option, brown it on low heat.
You will see that it takes on a reddish color. With this you can:
Make an infusion. Boil it for 10 minutes and let it sit for another 5 and drink throughout the day
Use it as a garnish in salads, soups, stews, rice plates, pasta, etc.
If you toast it enough, you can mash it with the help of a coffee bean grinder and save it like this in powder.
Warning: Abusing avocado seeds can cause constipation due to its tannin content.
How to Apply it?
For topical use of the seeds, do the following:
Crush them and mix with alcohol and let the mixture soak for at least a week. Use this alcohol for massages and rubs, in the case of joint and muscle pains for example. In the case of migraines, massage your temples and neck gently.
With the seed’s powder, you can make a cream to apply to blemishes and boils, thus
making them dry quicker. Mix the powder with a little bit of hot water
to make a paste, which you will put between two layers of grease to
apply to the skin for 5 to 10 minutes until you notice that it is dry.
You can repeat every day until it improves.
For shiny hair and to fight dandruff: Grate
the seed but make sure it is raw and not toasted. Mix it with castor
oil and let soak for a day. Then rub it on your scalp. Cover your head
with a towel or film and let sit for an hour and wash your hair well. We
don’t recommend this treatment for very oily hair.
You can also use the seed’s powder to exfoliate and tone your skin.
For your information, ground avocado seeds mixed with cheese and
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